Click Mirror
By Casey Muns
The Goal:
Mirror mouse clicks from one element to another
Use case:
Create a tabs element with a hidden tab-menu and use a custom link menu to switch between tabs.
Tab One
Tab Two
Tab Three
Tab One B
Tab Two B
Tab Three B
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// Find the closest ancestor of the clicked element (including itself)
// that has the 'click-mirror-source' attribute.
const sourceElement ='[click-mirror-source]');
// Proceed only if such an element was found.
if (sourceElement) {
// Extract the 'click-mirror-source' value.
const sourceValue = sourceElement.getAttribute('click-mirror-source');
// Use the value to find all corresponding 'click-mirror-target' elements.
document.querySelectorAll(`[click-mirror-target="${sourceValue}"]`).forEach(targetElement => {
// Simulate a click on each target element.
const clickEvent = new MouseEvent('click', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
Implement in Webflow:
1. Install the SCRIPT:
- Put the script in the custom code section in page settings or in an on page HTML embed.
2. Set up click SOURCES:
- On the element that you want to trigger the click event, add the attribute click-mirror-source="source1"
3. Set up click TARGETS:
- On the element that you want to receive the click event, add the attribute click-mirror-target="source1"
4. That's it.
- You can replace "source1" with any identifier you want.
- You can have multiple sources/targets on the page. Just make sure the source and target elements have matched identifiers.
- If there are multiple targets matching one source it will click them all.